ATMOGRAPH is therefore capable of delivering weather model data from a variety of models (including the GFS, NAM, HRRR, HRW - and many more) without an expensive subscription, since the full-resolution data comes from public domain government servers - the direct and original source of all model data. As additional advantages over traditional static-image, browser-based services, ATMOGRAPH enables the user to visualize the raw, full-resolution model data grids (as opposed to reduced resolution/overly smoothed online images) which are pulled from the NOAA NCEP servers as soon as they are uploaded (as opposed to waiting up to an hour for online image services to download and generate graphics for a particular model run).
A novel "Rollover Probe" tool allows the user to see the exact value output by a given model for any location in real-time, and the map can be fully panned, zoomed, and visually adjusted with the speed and interactivity of any hardware-accelerated graphics program (such as a video game or flight simulator). The ATMOGRAPH ModelVis data environment is fully time-aware, allowing users to animate data from selected model hour ranges, overlay up to four concurrent model data parameters, and to overlay and co-animate data even from entirely different sources. The time-aware model data selector interface will make best-match auto-selections when overlaying model data from a differently structured model (with respect to forecast hours) - a capacity made possible by ATMOGRAPH's animated data display being fully temporally interpolated between frames in real-time. more